(Students, consider the advice and guidelines from the Forbes article, "Why Every Job Seeker Should Have a Personal Website, And What It Should Include." Before you begin to finalize the website, make a "finishing touches checklist" for your website from this material. Then, implement the changes and improvements while including the course-required content. Need inspiration? Look at this list of "The 3 Best Personal Websites We've Ever Seen" from MUSE.)
Students' sites will contain:
- Links to blog entries (in Blogger and Weebly.)
- Resume / About Me / C.V.
- Portfolio(s) which will include each of the following, with contextualizing commentary:
- Samples of Video Production
- Samples of Digital Design
- Samples of Presentation Design
- Samples of other work, such as writing, art,
- Appropriate connections to other social media and online resources