Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Digital Defense

Students will make a comprehensive defense of their "body of work/learning" in a presentation on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 9:00am.

The defense may be in any of the following formats:

  1. Student-produced video
  2. Website / web pages
  3. Live presentation (with graphics)
  4. Other previously approved digital format (game, gallery, etc.)

 The Defense will deal with these issues:

1.     Understanding Media (Memes, Privacy, Copyright, etc.)

2.     Personal Branding (Style Sheet, Portrait Unbound, etc.)

3.     Website Design (Branding, SEO, Design, Coding, etc.)

4.     Social Media Presence (Branding, Design & Content)

5.     Preparing for Career (Resume, Video Resume, Landing Page)

6.     Video Production (Shooting, Lighting, Editing)

7.     Design Principles and Tools

8.     Digital Aggregating and Curating (Pinterest, Flipboard, etc.)