Tuesday, September 13, 2022

You Are Being Watched & The Internet Never Forgets

In these classes, we will transition into "Unit 2: Your Online Personal Identity" with following activities and assignments:

  • Discussion of the documentary "The Social Dilemma"

  • Learning what Google knows about you
    • open your chrome browser and log into your Gmail/Google acount
    • click this link and we will explore together/privately: https://bit.ly/GoogleKnowsU

  • Learning what others see about you on Google
    • While still logged into Google, go ahead, Google yourself
    • Now log out of Gmail/Google and Google your name
    • Note the similarities and differences

  • Dr. Nichols shares a brief presentation - "The Internet Never Forgets."

  • Think about HOW YOU WANT TO BE SEEN by completing the Personal Brand Worksheet in Canvas before our next class meeting.


Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Social Dilemma - Discussion Ideas

Some things to discuss about the documentary The Social Dilemma.

  • Tristan Harris raises the issue of Google Addiction within the Google organization- and it went nowhere. Why?

"If you are not paying for the product, you ARE the product."

"The gradual and imperceptible change in yoru behavior is the product."

  • How does this model compare with Chomsky's Propaganda Model for mass media?

  • When you're talking to a real person IRL - the software wants you back so it nudges you?
Examples of A/B Testing from Netflix - from my presentation at PCA 2022


The algorithm sells our eyes to Netflix, Prime, HBO, HULU, Spotify, Pandora, etc. so we will re-subscribe.

My high-speed provider benefits from this arrangement – since my subscriptions are dependent on my access.

Is this a reason we should be concerned about internet throttling the feeds of less lucrative providers?

Teens getting Driver's licenses at later ages... Self-driving cars? Surrender of autonomy?

  • "You build the machine and the machine changes itself."  Erewhon - the Book of the Machines.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

The 25-year Bet About Technology

 Read the WIRED Article about Kevin Kelly's bet with Patrick Sale on whether or not technology will destroy society here: https://www.wired.com/story/a-25-year-old-bet-comes-due-has-tech-destroyed-society/

 (Links to an external site.)

You can also see a "print-friendly" version here: PRINT FRIENDLY VERSION Download PRINT FRIENDLY VERSION

You could even listen to the article here while you follow along: A 25-Year-Old Bet Comes Due Has Tech Destroyed Society WIRED.mp4

Create a Blog to respond to the questions below - and post the blog link (to the specific blog entry - not to your blog home page) in this Canvas Assignment.

  • Who is Kevin Kelly? DETAILS!
  • Who is Patrick Sale? DETAILS!
  • Describe the chief conflict between the two men.
  • What was the bet they made?
  • How did the bet go in the three areas measured?
    • Economic Collapse
    • Global Environmental Disaster
    • The War Between Rich and Poor
  • Do you agree with the verdict of the judge who settled the bet? Why or why not?
  • What other areas SHOULD the bet have covered? If you were making a similar bet for the NEXT 25 years. what areas would you include for judgment?
  • What changes do you think the next 25 years will bring?