Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Final Defense

 Students will make a comprehensive defense of their "body of work/learning" in a presentation on Thursday, April 22, 2021.

The defense may be in any of the following formats:

  1. Student-produced video
  2. Interactive images
  3. Website / web pages
  4. Live presentation (with graphics)
  5. Other previously approved digital format (game, gallery, etc.)

 The Defense will deal with these issues:

  1. Website Design (Brand, SEO, Design, Coding, etc.)
  2. Social Media Presence (Design & Content)
  3. Preparing for Career (Resume, Video Resume, Landing Page)
  4. Interactive Images (2D and 360)
  5. Video Production (Shooting, Lighting, Editing)
  6. Design Principles and Tools
  7. Digital Aggregating and Curating (Pinterest, Flipboard, etc.)
  8. Personal Branding (Style Sheet, Portrait Unbound, etc.)
  9. Understanding Media (Memes, Privacy, Copyright, etc.)
 Students will post links to defense materials in their blog entries before Thursday's class.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

ThingLink - Make Interactive Images (2D and 3D Versions)

  1. Check your university email for an invitation and create your account. (If you already have an account, log back into that account.)

  2. Checkout this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5F226Ck8xg

  3. Create a quick Interactive Map of "My Life on Campus" by using the map image below and adding photos, sound, text, video and more to the map.

  4. Homework: Take a photo to use as a base - and fill that photo with interesting information - about you, your team, your family, your friends, your career plans, your hobbies, your dorm, etc.

Samples: https://www.thinglink.com/user/1243897619852296195 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Preparing for Video Resumes and Digital Resumes

 Take a look at some examples of digital resumes from your elder colleagues:

  1. Joy's Interactive Resume - https://joysingletoncomblog.blogspot.com/2020/04/interactive-resume.html
  2. Maren's Final Exam Defense - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa5MTlBkXac
  3. Alec's Video Resume - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GbTMZl3Aqc

You will be making each of these types of pieces, beginning with preparing to shoot your video resume. We will learn and review some important design principles for composing in video:

Review these materials to help plan your video resume:
  1. Write a script for your Video Resume A-Roll 
  2. Choose a Location for Shooting (visit and make sure it will work!)
  3. Using your A-Roll Script - make a SHOT LIST of B-Roll you will need.
  4. Shoot or collect B-Roll into a dedicated FOLDER for your Video Resume.
  5. Mix, Edit, produce a finished, awesome, excellent video resume - post to YouTube, and embed in a Blog Response.