Thursday, October 27, 2016

Building Your Personal Website

CC0 from Unsplash via
Students will apply their research and reflection from investigating other personal websites (see last blog entry,) and their consideration of their own strengths and opportunities, and will plan their personal website using "wire frames" for their web pages and to illustrate their web sites in "wire frame site map graphics." (Examples here.) They will make notes of the content and features they want to include to illustrate their strengths as addressed to their potential audiences, and of the images, colors and other factors to represent their "brands" (personas) on the web. These sets of sketches will serve as their guides as they begin to build their web sites.

Each student has been assigned a Weebly Student Account, and will begin web-building over the weekend. Students will watch and work through the Weebly Beginner's Guide Video, and are free to sign up for the live tutorials that will be help Oct. 27 or Nov. 8.

Each student will incorporate the following into their website:
  • Home/Landing Page
  • About Me/Bio Info
  • Resume (Note: Resume Workshop in class on Tuesday, Nov. 1)
  • Portfolio (various work by student: writing, design, art, photography, research, experience, etc.)
  • VR Research Page (with Pecha Kucha slides)
Students may also add:
  • Special Interests Page
  • Hobbies Page
  • Job-specific Page for potential employers
  • Community/Issues Page
Students will bring to bear all their previous knowing, doing and making as resources for the site, including original photography, use of freegal images, New Media writing and research, etc.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Preparing Your Personal Website

Students will prepare a personal website using their existing knowledge of design and communication principles, as well as new materials developed in interactions with current research.

Students will read Forbes "Why Every Job Seeker Should Have a Personal Website"

Students will review "best practices" by looking at other college students' online resumes:

Students will also review the Muse's "35 Best Personal Websites We've Ever Seen."

Students will compose a checklist of "Things I want to include in my website" and post it on their blogs.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Preparing your Personal Digital Profile

This week, CM412 Students will be preparing to build their own digital presence - or personal "brand" via a number of avenues like websites, blogs, social media, etc.

They will use the resources in the class website to KNOW (read) and DO (work through their personal profile info) as they prepare to MAKE their personal websites and tailor their existing social media.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Consider your research reading (and viewing) so far - and identify a SPECIFIC TOPIC on what VR can "mean."

Here is an example of VR applications for the future:

Your Topic will be a focus of your multimodal presentation, your research project, and part of your website. You should think of this as something you can "publish" or "present" in an official capacity and a professional setting.

What are you thinking? Let's discuss in class!