Thursday, August 29, 2024

Artifacts from the Future

 You just explored the idea of what will happen in the next 25-years with technology.

Check out these graphics from WIRED's old feature "Artifacts from the Future" - and make one of your own about something you think will be reality in 25 years.

Use your choice of programs in the Adobe Suite to make a 8.5 x 11 document. Print one and bring to class on Tuesday.

Use some of these sources for freegal graphics: to an external site.

Artifacts from the Future.pdf Download Artifacts from the Future.pdf 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Writing in a Whole New Way (2024)

 Writing in a Whole New Way (Electronic Writing)

 Students will look at their earlier blog responses from (Reading in a Whole New Way, Reading on Screens, letter-writing exercise) and will "re-write" (EDIT) the blog entry to take advantage of all the affordances of electronic writing in the digital blog environment. Here are some of the ways students will enhance their blog entries.

Using Hypertext Links: For example, instead of just saying, "I read the article Reading in a Whole New Way," they would say, "I read the article Reading in a Whole New Way," by Kevin Kelly ... so that the actual article opens in a new window.

Embedding Images: students will enhance their blog entries with appropriate imagery. For example, in referring to the "Reading on Screen" article, the might accompany their comments with a picture like the one on the left. 

Embedding video: students will embed video to enrich their blog entries. For example, when referring to the Sullivan Ballou letter we read in class, they could embed a video from You Tube like the one at the bottom of this post.

Students will use other creative enhancements as well - and will inspire and collaborate and do a great "multi-modal" blog entry!