Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Final Defense

 Students will make a comprehensive defense of their "body of work/learning" in a presentation on Thursday, April 22, 2021.

The defense may be in any of the following formats:

  1. Student-produced video
  2. Interactive images
  3. Website / web pages
  4. Live presentation (with graphics)
  5. Other previously approved digital format (game, gallery, etc.)

 The Defense will deal with these issues:

  1. Website Design (Brand, SEO, Design, Coding, etc.)
  2. Social Media Presence (Design & Content)
  3. Preparing for Career (Resume, Video Resume, Landing Page)
  4. Interactive Images (2D and 360)
  5. Video Production (Shooting, Lighting, Editing)
  6. Design Principles and Tools
  7. Digital Aggregating and Curating (Pinterest, Flipboard, etc.)
  8. Personal Branding (Style Sheet, Portrait Unbound, etc.)
  9. Understanding Media (Memes, Privacy, Copyright, etc.)
 Students will post links to defense materials in their blog entries before Thursday's class.


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