Thursday, October 5, 2017

Weekend Web Warriors

Our students are laying the groundwork for the "style" of their websites, social media and promotional materials. Here is what they will be doing:

First, they will survey some student websites for ideas and inspiration as to what they want (and what they don't want) in their own websites. They will make a list of features, information, layout ideas, and organization approaches from other student sites like these:
They will also revise their own Style Sheet / Brand Guidelines and reflect how they can incorporate their brand voice into the website they will build.

PLUS - they will practice showing their brand voice by REVISING / REDESIGNING their BLOGS! 

Of course, they will also be experimenting further with 360-3D photography by re-shooting their photo re-creations for Tuesday! For example: I re-shot one on my photos with Google Cardboard Camera, downloaded the image, and posed it in the website to make the embed code for viewing in my blog.

Tod Hido's Original Shot
My 2D re-creation

My 360 / 3D re-creation of the shot using cardboard camera.

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