- Game On - pictures, video, good mouse-over information, tabs easy for navigating, good contrasts in design colors, content had relevant and plentiful information -Zach
- Domino's (actually NOT a top blog - but a "blog we could do without")- video demonstrated quality of their product, games, apps, lots of videos, a lot going on, can share on Facebook and twitter, etc. -Nolan
- Basketball Jones - Lots of Sports good title, very up-to-date, outlooks on different teams, audio (podcast), videos, photos, news, good name - Anthony
- The Everywhereist - good conversational style - but used offensive language, easy to navigate, photos,engaging stories - Keri
ColorfulEasy Navigation
Visual Navigation
Photos, photos, photos
Easy to read font
Good use of white space (not too busy)
Cool logo –
Simple is sometimes better
Social Networking connections
Good Title
Speaks to a topic of interest
Provides detailed information to readers
Useful and relevant links to other resources
Short, but GOOD writing
Provides more detailed info for interested readers
Gives a “behind the scenes” angle
Up-to-date (fresh) content
Connected to other related blogs
Easy access to earlier posts
Identifies blog content by category
Good grammar and writing
Speaks to a topic of interest
Provides detailed information to readers
Useful and relevant links to other resources
Short, but GOOD writing
Provides more detailed info for interested readers
Gives a “behind the scenes” angle
Up-to-date (fresh) content
Connected to other related blogs
Easy access to earlier posts
Identifies blog content by category
Good grammar and writing