Thursday, October 25, 2018

Social Media Matters

In or recent class, Dr. Nichols shared about the increasing performance of maintaining a positive social media presence. Students are taking control of their online personas by branding the look and feel of their social media sites, by reviewing the content of their sites for red flags (mentioned in class), by WRITING A GOOD SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILE BIO, and by preparing to connect all their social media sites in a communications dashboard.

Two resources students will find handy are the BrandYourself Definitive Guide to Personal Branding, and the HootSuite article "13 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Profiles."

Dr. Nichols has re-branded his sites as an exercise and example for students. You can link to this social media sites from his personal page,, or you can see his social media profile pages here - note the various profile bios stemming from centralized content, repeated phrases, common theme, taglines, etc.:

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Build That Website!

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Students have investigated other personal websites, developed a brand guide / style sheet, and created wire frames and site maps in preparation for building their own websites. They have noted the content and features they want to include to illustrate their strengths as addressed to their potential audiences, and of the images, colors and other factors to represent their "brands" (personas) on the web. These sets of sketches will serve as their guides as they begin to build their web sites.

Each student has been assigned a Weebly Student Account, and have started web-building! Students will watch and work through the Weebly Beginner's Guide Video, and will refer to the Weebly Help section for Web-building.

Each student will incorporate the following into their website:

  • Home/Landing Page
  • About Me/Bio Info
  • Resume (Note: Resume Workshop is scheduled for later in the term.)
  • Portfolio (various work by student: writing, design, art, photography, research, experience, etc.)
  • VR Research Page (with Pecha Kucha slides - more info coming soon)
Students may also add:
  • Special Interests Page
  • Hobbies Page
  • Job-specific Page for potential employers
  • Community/Issues Page
Students will bring to bear all their previous knowing, doing and making as resources for the site, including original photography, use of freegal images, New Media writing and research, etc.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

BEFORE You Build That Website

Digital Literacies Students will be building their personal, branded websites - but first..
  • They will complete personal brand guides/style sheets. (This will guide the aesthetic and visual rhetoric of their website designs.)
  • They will review other successful student websites. (This will help them build lists of content and usability features.) *See below.
  • They will draw a wire frame of their sites BEFORE building it. (This will ensure they keep an over all perspective of how pages and elements work together.)
  • THEN - they will familiarize themselves with the Web-building environment we will use in class - WEEBLY.
  • All links and information are available on the CLASS WEBSITE.
Check out these examples of student (and young professionals) personal websites: