Thursday, April 9, 2020

Creative Uses for ThingLink?

Think about how you can use ThingLink to promote, disseminate, or creatively link to your online work...

Design a "personally branded" ThingLink photo, map, 360, etc., image that connects all about YOU in one image! You could link to news about you, samples of your work, your resume, specially produced video clips, galleries, blog, website, & social media.

Post a link and embed the image in a blog entry - and post it in social media, your website and wherever you deem appropriate. Write a reflection on your process in the blog entry, too.

My cheap and quick sample is below - you will do better!

Friday, April 3, 2020

ThingLink Interactive Images

ThingLink Interactive Image Assignment
(Your group is “Digital Comm” and your code is in your email)
Assignment: You will make an interactive Personal Campus Map of Limestone College, using a sample campus map and your own photos, comments, video, sound, etc. You will embed the image in your blog or website and share a link in Blackboard to your published image.
1.      Use the ThingLink interface ( – sign up with the code provided in your email to build a dynamic, interactive VIRTUAL PERSONAL CAMPUS MAP with digital collateral.

3.      Try your hand by building a “Personal Campus Map” using the campus map image attached. (Use “upload image” for this one – we will do 360 images later.) Create and use at least one of each of these “tags” below.
a.      Add text and media with each of these elements:
                                                    i.     Text
                                                   ii.     Photo
                                                  iii.     Audio
b.      Add text label
c.      Add content from website:
                                                    i.     YouTube/Vimeo video OR
                                                   ii.     Embed code from one of your creations
d.      (No need to do “tour button” yet. But play around an add as much as you like.)

4.      When you finish, PUBLISH a brief blog entry describing your experience and INCLUDE your interactive image (you can make public or unlisted,) via the EMBED the code, in your blog or website. (I think you will see there are many potential uses for your own website for this!)

5.      Lastly, post the link to your interactive image in the Blackboard assignment!
I have done a hasty sample for you with some of these elements here: