Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pecha Kucha Samples, Preparation, Practice

Students in Digital Communication 1 class are preparing to participate in the Student Symposium on December 6 on the campus of Limestone College. They will present individual talks on various aspects of Social Media in a shared session.

Students have already compiled research, written a thoughtful presentation on Social Media, molded a Pecha Kucha speech from their work - in 20-second segments - and have developed a shot list of images for their presentation.

Over the weekend they will:

1. Watch some sample Pecha Kucha presentations from sites like Pecha Kucha's official website, or simply search in YouTube or Viemo for "Pecha Kucha" to find examples like this one:

2. They will carefully word-smith their presentations to meet the 20-second constraints of the presentation form.

3. They will careful prepare visually powerful slides from their own original art, and from "freegal" resources - carefully attending to citation issues.

4. They will develop visual promotion materials (for a "save the date" type announcement) for their social media platforms, announcing their upcoming Pecha Kucha presentations and participation in the Student Symposium. (Date only at this time - specific time and locations are forthcoming.)

Students will present their "first-run" practice in class on Tuesday, December 3 - and will post their first promotions in social media, and activate their followers, community, etc.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Pecha Kucha, Social Media, and More

For Thursday's class, students will begin converting their research in to the 20x20 Pecha Kucha format in anticipation of the Student Symposium on December 6.

They will also complete chapters 7 & 8 in the HootSuite Academy curriculum. (See modified guide on the class website at the bottom.)

The shared link for the PowerPoint on "PowerPoint and Pecha Kucha" will help refresh students on the approach, and provides many helpful links.

Checklist for Thursday:

  • Complete Chapters 7 &  8 in HootSuite Academy
  • Outline your presentation – clear thesis!
  • Complete your Storyboard/Planning Sheet

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Student Symposium on Digital Communication

Brandon - Catfishing
Joy - YouTube Influencers
Maren - Social Media Reputations
Nick - Cyber-bullying and Trolling
Alec - Getting Fired for Facebook
Morgan - Businesses Trying to Connect with Younger Demographics

Deadline: November 18

Here is the link to the application: 

We will be presenting as a panel - each student doing his own Pecha Kucha Presentation.
View the video below for tips on the Pecha Kucha format.

Weekend Website Work

Students will review examples of "best practices" by looking at other students’ (and young professionals’) personal websites:
(Students will also glance at the Muse's 35 Best Personal Websites We've Ever Seen)

Students will use the information from the article, and ideas from teh examples to revise and complete their websites. In their Blogs, students will provide a link to completed work for each of these items:

  1. Home/Landing Page
  2. About Me/Bio Info
  3. Resume
  4. Portfolio (various work by student: writing, design, art, photography, research, experience, etc.)
  5. Social Media Research Page (preparing for Student Symposium Panel.)
  • Special Interests Page
  • Hobbies Page
  • Job-specific Page for potential employers
  • Community/Issues Page

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Web Page Titles and Descriptions: SEO starting points

Weekend Work for CM410 Students:

1. Using what you've learned from our exploration of computer algorithms from professional vetting services, make a fearless, no-holds-barred examination of your social media content, cleaning up any posts that would raise any of the "red flags" we discussed: alcohol, drugs, profanity, sex, bigotry, bullying, or polarizing topics. Be prepared to discuss changes you made.

2. Apply your knowledge of SEO and Usability requirements to re-write your Page Titles and Meta Tag Keywords, and Met Page Descriptions for your most important pages in your website.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Social Media Audience, Advocates, Influencers

Digital Communication Students will complete units in HootSuite Academy on building a community of social media advocates. (The growing HootSuite Curriculum can be found on the class WEBSITE.)

  1. Students will post 3 QUESTIONS on their blogs to stir discussion in the next class. (Questions should be a mix of "big picture strategy" and "detailed tactics.")
  2. They will also write a brief "plan of attack" on how to build an advocate community for their own personally-branded website.