Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Pre-Site Visit - VR Tour of Earl Scruggs Center (Beta)

 In preparation for Thursday's visit to the Earl Scruggs Center in Shelby, 

Go to this link in your browser:


or scan this QR code with your phone:

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Remediating the Image for VR/3D


Re-creating Photos in 2D (and beyond)

Professor of Photography Brett Schenning visited our class to discuss photographic composition and gave us this provocative exercise...

1. Find a famous photograph. (Just Google for some ideas.)
2. Go recreate that famous photograph.
3. Post both the sample famous photograph and your recreation in your blog with a reflection of your process and product.
and I added this part:
4. Turn your recreation into an Interactive Graphic with explanations of various parts of the composition that explain the comparisons and processes.

Here are my examples from a couple years back...

First assignment - appreciate and recreate Todd Hido's shot from "Excerpts from Silver Meadows"
Copyright Todd Hido
 Todd Hido discusses the "Excerpts from Silver Meadows" photos:

My attempt at recreating Hido's Photo:
without filter
with Instagram Filter
See also: https://photos.app.goo.gl/BzFt7W8uK9qW6Q2r1 

Like Todd Hido, I drove around in my car, waiting to see the right sun at the right angle for the composition. I took a couple that worked - one from my moving car through the dirty driver's side window - and then this one, from the parking lot of a closed business. This allowed me to "frame" the shot with the windshield of my car. I splashed water on the window and shot with different focal points to vary the bokeh effect. Then, to imitate Hido, I used Instagram's Mayfair filter.


Next assignment: appreciate and recreate Lewis Baltz' shot from "The New Industrial Parks near Irvine, California 1974"
Copyright Lewis Baltz

Lewis Baltz talks about his work in a video interview produced by the Tate:

My attempt to recreate the Baltz photo:

I drove around to several industrial buildings before settling on this shot - the side entrance to the massive delivery area of Hamrick Outlets in Gaffney. The vent lines echo (perpendicularly) the lines of the blinds in the Blatz photo, and the shadow play from the awning imitates Baltz use of the plants' shadows.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Let's get Interactive!

In Canvas, You will find this...

ThingLink Interactive Image Assignment

(Your group is “Digital Comm” and your code is in your email)

Assignment: You will make an interactive Personal Campus Map of Limestone College, using a sample campus map and your own photos, comments, video, sound, etc. You will embed the image in your blog or website and share a link in Canvas to your published image.

 Use the ThingLink interface (http://www.thinglink.com) – sign up with the code provided in your email to build a dynamic, interactive VIRTUAL PERSONAL CAMPUS MAP with digital collateral.

  1. Watch the walkthrough tutorial video here: https://support.thinglink.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034508093--Video-How-to-use-the-ThingLink-editor 

  2.   Try your hand by building a “Personal Campus Map” using the campus map image attached. (Use “upload image” for this one – we will do 360 images later.) Create and use at least one of each of these “tags” below.
    • a.      Add text and media with each of these elements:
      1.   Text
      2.   Photo
      3.  Audio
      4. Add text label
      5. Add content from website:
      6. YouTube/Vimeo video OR
      7.   Embed code from one of your creations
      8. (No need to do “tour button” yet. But play around an add as much as you like.)

  3. When you finish, PUBLISH a brief blog entry describing your experience and INCLUDE your interactive image (you can make public or unlisted,) via the EMBED the code, in your blog or website. (I think you will see there are many potential uses for your own website for this!)

  4. Lastly, post the link to your interactive image in the Canvas assignment! I have done a hasty sample for you with some of these elements here: 
