Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Remix, Remake, Repurpose

Students will take their video production skills and dial them up to 11 in a Remix Project!
Students will read the article, "Remix: The Art and Craft of Endless Hybridization," and will post their reflections on such questions as:
  1. What is "Remix," and how does it work in various media forms?
  2. Why do people "remix," and what are positive (or negative) takeaways of the practice?
  3. What remixes am I familiar with, and in what ways have I already been remixing?
  4. In what ways is remix an "art?" or a "craft?" How can I incorporate remix into my development as an artist or into my craft as a communicator?
THEN, using materials available in the "purple-pink section" of the course website, students will then make their own remix in the form of Machinima, Mix-ups, Photoshop play, voice-overs, adding sub-titles, etc.

They will post their remix on their blog with a description of their choices and their techniques used in the production of the piece.

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