Thursday, September 8, 2016

Drinking from the Digital Firehose

"The scarce resource is the human attention needed to make sense of the enormous flow of information, to learn, as it were, how to drink out of the firehose." -Richard Lanham
I hope you're thirsty.
Students in Limestone's Digital Literacies class are experimenting with tools to help them manage the floods of digital information and distractions that are inherent in our digital age. They will work in our "Knowing, Doing, Making: framework as follows:
  1. Knowing - students will read excerpts from Lanham's "The Economics of Attention," along with this Interview with Lanham.
  2. Doing - students will explore the possibilities of "managing" digital resources by playing around with the interface and functionality of HootSuite.
  3. Making - students will: 
    • blog about their experience with HootSuite (and, optionally, Altomail) and how tools like these address the issues raised in Lanham's comments.
    • create a useful and functional HootSuite dashboard to handle their social meia interactions (for at least 3 social media.)

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